Leadership coaching provides a confidential, safe space for you to learn about yourself, your leadership and your organization, as well as how you are perceived and how you perceive others, and where you want to improve. One of our human limitations is that our perception of reality can easily become the reality.
A systems coach helps you to talk through facts and perceptions to gain new perspectives. In coaching, your sense of the collective reality is strengthened by systems feedback. In coaching, you have the space to hear your own voice. This leads to deeper self-awareness and gives you the support and confidence to be bolder. You have the opportunity to reconnect to a clear sense of your personal leadership quest or purpose, your values and convictions, and to build courage. You are then likely to feel considerably less ‘lonely at the top’.
Since many organizations still operate in fairly hierarchical structures, the first element of strategic systems coaching is often one-on-one coaching of the organization’s executive leadership. If you head up a team, you need to be coached before your team can. Coaching can help you to be more reflective, to manage impulsive desires, slow down, be more resource-intensive, more affiliated and to consider options.
Leaders wanting to gain a completely new perspective and sense of clarity can benefit from our self-leadership nature quests. These are semi-structured/facilitated experiences in nature that provide an unparalleled opportunity to strip away the clutter in your corporate and private life so as to gain deeper self-awareness and renewed purpose and focus.
Team quests in nature also provide an opportunity for teams to build deeper trust and to set intentions that will prevent them reverting back to old, familiar patterns.
In a natural environment of peace and tranquility, leaders and teams can embark on reflective thinking and let go of fears, judgments and fixed mindsets to discover a sense of purpose, and vision for themselves and their organizations. They can then proceed to focus and re-energize in an unprecedented manner. Nature quests enable people to return more personally equipped and ready to face complex corporate and environmental challenges.
Not everyone has grasped the opportunity or mindset for collaboration to work. In traditional organizations, people fear openness. The environment may be seen as cut-throat or it is ‘each person her/himself’. Furthermore, many organizational structures naturally create boundaries. And the more rigid the structure, the more silos are likely to form between divisions, teams and customers.
Coaching between teams can help to transcend silos that have developed and prioritizes team satisfaction as well as customers. As teams reconnect to own and their customer’s needs, clarify purpose, and engage in healthy, cross-functional collaboration and team practices, not only do they, but customers also really benefit.
Change agility is the ability to adopt, adjust and effectively implement innovation or changes on a more ongoing basis. Do you want assistance to co-ordinate the change, manage the resistance and gain engagement of stakeholders, colleagues or staff members? We usually first work very closely with the leadership and management responsible for implementing innovation or rolling out changes. We equip the leaders and managers to run high impact meetings and workshops about changes or innovation. This enhances Change Agility IQ across the organization making it part of the culture.
In addition to using one-on-one or team coaching in Change Agility, we encourage, organizations wherever possible, also to use digital tools to support, activate and track changes.
By guiding leaders or managers to role model, communicate consistently and prepare staff systematically for operational and performance changes, all levels are emotionally and practically equipped for innovation and change.
In modular matrix organizations, we support managers to ripple change processes from within ‘the middle of multiple ponds’. We work creatively and analytically, mapping reality, measuring baselines and digging deep to find the purpose, direction, core values and customer practices you believe in.
Once new paths are identified, we can support you to implement new working practices that are better adapted to sustain you in the future.
Diversity eloquence, (agility to work in multi-cultural, mixed gender, intergenerational context), allows you to gain deeper insight into diversity and the unconscious biases we each have that affect our responses to diversity. Our Diversity Eloquence solution, enhances your
agility to respond appropriately to diverse settings and teams, with less effort and harness the strengths and creativity that diversity provides.
We specialize in helping organizations to reconcile Diversity dilemmas resulting from opposing (diversity, generational and cultural) viewpoints. Research clearly indicates that organizational performance benefits from reconciling these differences.
Although cross-cultural, intergenerational and mixed gender teams are common, productive work relationships are often challenged by them ascribing different meanings to the same thing.
You are likely to find cultural, gender or generational differences among staff or customers in respect, for example, to relationships between men and women, how status is attributed to older people, the degree of respect paid to the law or basic rules and the extent to which working relationships are personal. Cultural, generational and gender differences go much deeper than appearances, clothes, food or accommodation.
Synquity is involved in various international and local research projects seeking to sustain excellent levels of practice and consulting. Our research and writing focus on leadership and future trends, entrepreneurship and diversity eloquence (culture and gender). We also provide surveys to client companies.
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We work in partnership with several universities, including the University of Ontario, Bentley University and the Erasmus University Rotterdam (Erasmus Center for Women and Organizations/ECWO), the UK based Innovation Leadership Forum and Canadian-based Global Leadership Initiatives (GLI).
This Personal Leadership Development Plan (PLDP) is a tool created by GLI that aids you in strengthening your leadership capacity by enabling you to reflect on tangible ways in which you can personally develop your personal leadership capacity.
The Personal Leadership Development Plan (PLDP) is a comprehensive tool that you can continually develop as a life-long learning process for enhancing leadership capacity and personal growth.
PLDP App on Google Play today.
Requires Android
2.3.3 and up
Also being launched in iTunes
Systems coaching combines various coaching processes and combines this with methodologies for achieving change. Applying various coaching processes to change management methodology is a highly effective way to help organizational systems learn how to function better as a whole.
Concurrent coaching processes incorporating ADKAR and various other methodologies of change. As the coaching process expands in scope, some of these processes may run simultaneously. However, they need to be unified around a single client purpose or agenda, such as coaching in support of a shared organizational vision to be more innovative and shared brand values.
Nature Quests
& Surveys
Concurrent coaching processes incorporating ADKAR and various other methodologies of change
How to activate better collaboration between different teams
Get the latest trends & insights on leadership
Leadership coaching solutions
How to lead culture and gender diversity
How leaders can successfully roll out organisational change
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